How are we providing remote education in Mulberry Stepney Green Maths, Computing and Science College?

The first section explains how students can access work if there is a national lockdown or local restrictions which require the whole school or entire year groups (bubbles) to remain at home. This has now evolved as a model of regular setting of work and communication between teachers and students.

For details of what to expect where individual students are self-isolating, please see the final section of this document.

For the live teaching timetable (on Microsoft Teams) under lockdown or site-access restrictions, please click here.


The remote curriculum: what is taught to students at home?


Students can immediately access work via Microsoft Teams. The Covid 19 work team contains work from all Faculties for students to complete. They can send a message to their subject teachers via Microsoft Teams if they need help with any of this work. Subject teachers may also send their individual classes work to complete via Microsoft Teams.

We teach broadly the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate.

For more specific information from Faculties see the table below.

English We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school. The team will provide well -planned and well -sequenced lessons building on the knowledge and skills needed for progression.
Maths We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.
Science In Science we will continue to cover the same curriculum online, as what was being covered in school.
MFL We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.
Humanities Students are studying exactly the same curriculum as they would be learning in school. Some of the content has been brought forward to be taught in Spring Term for certain year groups, but it is still the same cur-riculum. Some topics have been condensed and activities have been altered as students are working from home.
ICT We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some
adaptations in some subjects. For example, our KS3 curriculum projects had to be changed because students were not in classrooms with
computers so we had to ensure they still learnt the key topics via
combination of research at home, watching hand-picked videos and worksheets. It is not possible to deliver projects where special
application software may be required for example the use of Desktop Publisher or the use of Serif Applications.
PE Students studying a specific course will broadly be following a similar curriculum. In many cases this will be exactly the same as for ‘in school’ education.
Practical Core PE lesson will be delivered via a pre-recorded activity video link. This will be accompanied by a pre-recorded screencast
lesson on a topic related to Health, fitness and physical activity and an activity on Microsoft Teams or GCSE Bitesize.
ADT In Art and DT, we teach the same topics and themes as we would have been teaching in schools. However, due to the students lack of access to specialist equipment and resources we focus on recording and con-textual based assessment objectives in art and graphics and on design and theory in DT
Media Media Studies is continuing with the curriculum map as is published for this academic year.

Remote teaching and study time each day

Secondary school-aged students not working towards formal qualifications this year Students follow their school timetable from 8.35 to 3.30 with break and lunchtime. On Monday lesson 1 from 8.45 to 9.30 all students must attend their PSHE lesson on Microsoft Teams as a live lesson.
Secondary school-aged students working towards formal qualifications this year Students should follow their school timetable from 8.35 to 3.30 with break and lunchtime. On Monday lesson 1 from 8.45 to 9.30 all students must attend their PSHE lesson on Microsoft Teams as a live lesson. Students also need to attend intervention lessons from 3.30-4.30.

Accessing remote education

Students access remote learning via Microsoft Teams. Subject teachers send students tasks (assignments) to complete at home, live lessons are shown in the student’s calendar and they click on it to join the live lesson. Students and subject teachers follow their school timetable and timings.
For the live teaching timetable please Click Here for Remote Learning Guidance.

We recognise that some students may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those students to access remote education:

If a student is unable to access remote education the school site is offered as a place for them to take part in their remote lessons (using school equipment, on-site)

Students can also get a printed pack of work for the current term, which parents can collect from the school.

Laptops are allocated to students who are on the free school meals register. The first allocation is given by exam year groups and then to all others subject to the number of laptops currently available to the school. Unfortunately, we do not have enough computers for all our students.

A variety of approaches to teach students remotely are used across the school.

These include live teaching (using Microsoft Teams), recorded teaching, printed resources, textbooks, subject specific commercial websites and long term project work.

Live PSHE lessons take place via Microsoft Teams on Mondays from 8.35 to 9.30.

For more Faculty and Pastoral information see the table below.

English Students have access to high quality and engaging live lessons led by their class teacher over Microsoft Teams in line with their timetable.
Students have tailored, meaningful resources, which they may need for live lessons (before or after the lesson to complete homework) and homework tasks uploaded via Microsoft Teams.
Students upload their completed work via Microsoft Teams or via email-ing the class teacher.
Students will be directed to use the paper resources including set texts that they have been given at an earlier date by their class teacher or made available on Microsoft Teams for easy access when at home.
Students may be directed to use available websites to access material e.g. YouTube or the National Theatre Online or teacher created teams on Microsoft Teams for additional and extension work.
Maths Live lessons: we use Microsoft Teams – attendance recorded
Students who do not have online access can use resources on COVID folder by requesting a hard copy from school. They can also request text books if needed.
Mathswatch: recorded lessons-interactive questions-worksheets-past papers for GCSE
Dr Frost website: extra resources for KS4 and KS5
• live teaching (online lessons)
Year 12/13: live lessons, including extra lessons and intervention.
Year11: one live lesson on Monday(P6/7)-one live lesson on Thurs-day(P1/2)
Year 10: one livve lesson on Monday(P4/5)- one zoom lesson on Tuesday for the x-half(P6/7)- one live lesson on Thursday for the Y-half(P5/6).
Year 9: One live lessons on Tuesday(P2/3)
Year 8: one live lesson (double lesson) on Friday(P3/4)
Year7: one live lesson on Friday(P1/2).
Science All Science work will be set via Microsoft Teams. The Team may have links to other platforms such as ‘Kerboodle’, ‘Seneca’, ‘BBC bitesize’ and ‘Oak National Academy’, but all instructions will be made clear on Frog.
All classes will have work set for them, for every lesson, via Microsoft Teams.
Additionally, all classes will receive at least one live-lesson per week, with Yr7-10 receiving one, Yr11 receiving two and Yr12 & 13s receiv-ing all.
MFL All MFL lessons and independent learning tasks are set on the school virtual learning platform Microsoft Teams
All our yr11 and yr13 lessons and most of our lessons for other year groups are delivered live on Teams. Students can access these les-sons using their calendar on Teams.
Other independent learning tasks may be set on Microsoft Teams and on Activelearn. All students should have their details to log in Active-learn; however, if students are experiencing difficulties to log into Ac-tivelearn, they should contact their teachers directly (send message on Teams) to get their login details.


printed paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)

textbooks and reading books students have at home

Long term project work and/or internet research activities.

Via school VLE: assignments set on Microsoft Teams
– Years 7-10 can access minimum of one live lesson per week. Teachers may choose to add additional lessons of live teaching and will communicate this to students via VLE so they are aware when they will be taking place.
-Year 11 and Sixth Form lessons will have live lessons for every lesson on their timetable. This includes intervention where scheduled.
– Students can access departmental Microsoft Teamsfor resources- ad-ditional reading and revision material.
– Information packs provided to HOY’s when and as required.
– All students have access to online textbooks via Kerboodle.
-All students will be given specific feedback on how to improve their work. Progress all students are making will be monitored.
-Other resources can be found on the departmental websites.

This is available via hoy upon request. Revision resources can also be accessed and printed from Covid site or Humanities departmental sites.

Textbooks for years 9-11 can be accessed via Kerboodle. Students are given topics and page numbers to access the text each week. All stu-dents have a log in. sixth form have individual copies of textbooks and revision guides.

Internet research activities are implemented before and after live les-son, not every lesson.


recorded teaching

printed paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)
textbooks and reading books students have at home

Long term project work and/or internet research activities.

VLE Microsoft Teams, students have individual accounts. Using Frog they will have access to student area (covid19) folder which has
teaching materials for old and new knowledge.
Students who have undertaken Computer Science can create an
account with Code Academy and work through their interactive lessons on learn to program.

Year 7 – 2 lesson in a week. 1 lesson live teaching
Year 8 – 2 lesson in a week. 1 lesson live teaching
Year 9 – 3 lesson in a week. 1/2 lesson live teaching, teacher to inform the class.
Year 10 – 2 lesson in a week. 1 lesson live teaching
Year 11 – 2 lesson in a week. 1 lesson live teaching
KS5 – Majority of the lessons via live teaching.

Teachers may choose to deliver additional lessons of live teaching this needs to be communicated with the class. Teacher must ensure the class is clear if any additional lesson would be delivered.

Recorded teaching (e.g. teacher created videos to support SEN/EAL, YouTube, videos recommended by exam boards)

Printed paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets) if required by students who do not have access to a device with internet at home.

Electronic textbooks available via VLE

Internet research activities before and after live lesson, not every lesson.


A Level, BTEC L3 and GCSE PE (Y9, 10 and 11) will receive Live les-sons using Microsoft Teams at the same time as their normal timeta-bled lesson. in addition, they will receive screencasts and work and activities through Microsoft Teams.

Practical Core PE lesson will be delivered via a pre-recorded activity video link. This will be accompanied by a pre-recorded screencast les-son on a topic related to Health, fitness and physical activity and an
activity on Microsoft Teams or GCSE Bitesize

ADT We will be setting all tasks on Microsoft Teams and also teaching vir-tual lessons using this. Additional resources may be shared on YouTube with links sent via Teams.
Media Live teaching (online lessons)
KS3 and KS4
Pastoral team
As above and students in KS3/4 are using the following resources;
Microsoft Team for whole year group & tutor groups
Kerboodle for science
Mathswatch for Maths
Live PSHE lessons take place on Mondays from 8.35am to 9.30am on Microsoft Teams. If you fail to attend PSHE your tutor will make a wel-fare call home. Failure to contact students will trigger a home visit which will be organised by the leadership team.
KS5 Pastoral team 1. All lessons across the sixth form are being delivered via Microsoft Teams. Students should follow their school timetable from 8.35am to 03.30pm.
2. Intervention sessions continue to run and are taking place at the usual day and time. Please click here for the KS5 intervention time-table.
3. Live PSHE lessons take place on Mondays from 8.35am to 9.30am n. If you fail to attend PSHE your tutor will make a welfare call home. Failure to contact students will trigger a home visit which will be organ-ised by sixth form leadership.
4. A weekly student assembly has been scheduled for 13.00 every Tuesday. This forum will allow the sixth form to share key information with students.
5. Enrichment activities for all students are being communicated via our weekly Futures Friday email.

Engagement and feedback

Please click here for the parent and student remote learning agreement which outlines expectations for parents and students.

Subject teachers take a register for live lessons and engagement is also tracked via the Microsoft Teams grade sheets. Subject teachers and pastoral teams monitor lesson attendance and engagement with remote education and contact parents if there are concerns.

Live PSHE lessons take place every Monday morning. During this time tutors discuss routines and remind students of the school’s expectations. Tutors also identify and address any issues or needs that the students may have during these sessions. This includes addressing any emotional or pastoral needs

For further information, please see the table in the next section.

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:

English Teachers will give whole class feedback and student specific verbal feedback on student’s contributions during each live lesson.
Each week, where students have submitted written work via Microsoft Teams or email as part of a class task or homework, a whole class feedback sheet that details whole class strengths and weaknesses with specific students named so they can best identify.

If students request individual feedback on their work or support this can be provided over Microsoft Teams or by email.

KS3,4 and 5 will be sitting online HT3 Faculty assessments based on the work covered in the HT3. Students will receive meaningful feed-back on how to make further progress when teachers mark these as-sessments.

Maths Students receive immediate feedback for Mathswatch tasks.
Verbal feedback given via live Microsoft Teams lessons.
Teacher will go through difficult questions during live lessons.
Microsoft Teams quizzes.
Individual written feedback given via “mathswatch” feedback section.
Registers will be taken for live lessons.
For KS5 we use Dr FROST website to set homework and other tasks. These are automatically marked.
All key stages will be sitting online half term 3 assessment.
Science Students receive immediate feedback for Kerboodle and Seneca tasks. Teachers may also provide whole-class feedback via the weekly live sessions.
MFL When completing tasks on Activelearn, students will receive instant feedback on their work.
During live lessons, teachers will give verbal feedback to all students and to individual students (using the “chat” function).
All tasks will be corrected during the lessons so that students can self-assess their work.
For certain tasks, especially extended writing tasks, teachers may ask students to upload their work onto Microsoft Teams so that more exten-sive feedback can be provided.


Once completed, work is sent to teachers to mark. Teachers will give an overall mark or percentage for every piece of work sent and then where necessary give individual feedback and targets to the student to improve which students can access easily. Tasks are planned during lessons to check students understanding of the topics taught- students will also receive verbal feedback within live lessons.
When necessary students can communicate with their teacher about tasks or their progress via message activities on the VLE.
ICT VLE (Microsoft Teams) quizzes
– VLE (Microsoft Teams) Community topic assessments
– Q&A during live lesson
– Worksheets/activity sheets submitted by students and marked by teacher
PE Engagement will be monitored by class teachers. Registers will be tak-en for live lessons and a record of engagement for activities on FROG will be evidenced from FROG access records.
Work from qualification courses will be submitted by students
electronically and relevant feedback given via email or FROG. Most ac-tivities on FROG and GCSE Bitesize will receive immediate feedback. In addition, verbal feedback is given during live lessons.
ADT Engagement will be monitored by class teachers by the taking of regis-ters in live sessions, and recording engagement with assignments in
Microsoft Teams.
All assignments should be uploaded to Teams (Work done on paper to be photographed)
KS4 and 5 groups will be asked to email their work to their teacher so that they can get immediate feedback outside of their lesson time
Media Self-Assessment, Peer Assessment and Teacher Verbal Feedback. Mark work submitted online and whole class feedback.

Additional support for students with particular needs

We recognise that some students, for example some students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those students in the following ways:

If an individual child is self-isolating

Learning Support Staff will offer a phone call or Teams video call to students with EHCP.

If part of your teaching group is self-isolating

Learning support Staff will offer weekly phone call or Teams video call to students with EHCP.

If whole class or tutor group is sent home from school and teacher is working from school

Learning support staff can attend live lessons and, if appropriate, they can help targeted students in break out rooms.

Learning Support Staff will offer weekly phone call or Teams video call to students with EHCP.

During the national lockdown (January 2021) school is open for these students:
– Safeguarding concerns
– Students with keyworker parents
– Students with no computer access

These students are attending live lessons and are being supervised and supported by Teaching Assistants and Learning Mentor with their online work. They also have some face to face English tuition and have done some PE activities with the Teaching Assistants.

Work is being adapted for targeted students in communication with subject teachers.

Teaching Assistants are offering weekly Teams video calls to the EHCP students who are at home. They are preparing adapted booklets for students who find it difficult to access Microsoft Teams lessons.

Speech and Language Therapist is in school one morning a week.

SENDCo continues to hold Annual Review meetings for EHCP students either in person or via Microsoft Teams. She is attending TAC and CIN meetings as requested by Heads of Year.

School nurse is working remotely, conducting phone interviews with key families to update health care plans.

Remote education for self-isolating students

Individual students who are self-isolating access work via Microsoft Teams. Work from each Faculty area is stored on a central team called Covid 19 work and students can complete work from this site at home independently. The work on this site covers topics studied in the current half term. Students can also contact their subject teachers via Teams for help or feedback. Subject teachers may also send their classes work via the class team.